Wednesday, October 6, 2010

News Flash!!!

Nuclear power is viable 

4 October 2010

I REFER to "Public not consulted on nuclear energy plan" (Letters, Sept 27). The decision by the Merkel government to go ahead with the plan for extending the operation of 17 nuclear reactors in Germany 12 more years was not well-received by anti-nuclear movements. Beyond that obvious effect, however, we need to look at the ramifications of that decision in a different light.

The extension will give ample time for other energy resources, notably renewables, to attain maturity to undertake the task of supplying bulk power. Currently, renewable energy, even in industrialised country supplies a small percentage of their needs.

The extension also means a vindication of positive scientific and engineering progress made in nuclear reactor safety. Like all of us, engineers, scientists, and researchers also learn from mistakes and improve the next generation of products and services. The same is true for nuclear power reactors.

Growth is strongly dependent on energy consumption. With the aspiration to become an advanced country with high income, Malaysia’s energy consumption too is expected to increase. But we are fortunate because our energy need coincides with the improved safety record of nuclear power generation and the growing realisation the world over that nuclear energy is a viable and secure source of energy. We should not miss that opportunity. 

The relevant authorities need to institute more public forums involving the general public. However, if consultation and participation means the right to reject, rather than the right to view genuine concern, then the real objective of public participation is lost and nothing is gained.

Nahrul Khair Alang Md Rashid
Malaysian Nuclear Society

1 comment:

  1. Great update. However, what are YOUR opinions of this statement?
